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Your Own Business

Originally published by How To Books Ltd
October 2001, revised in 2003, 2005 & 2006
ISBN - 1857037278
Price £10.99 (288 pages)

(Recommended by The Sunday Times - Business Section for 3 consecutive weeks in August 2003)


Running your own business can be a very rewarding and fulfilling experience. On the other hand it can be difficult, time-consuming, costly, and both physically and mentally draining. You also need to remember the very real statistic that only one in five of all new businesses will survive the first five years of trading.

It is absolutely essential that you have the right reasons for wanting to start and run your own business. If the idea of establishing a business is the only option that you have then I would strongly urge you to think again. It is not an easy option and unless you consider that it is the right option for you, it is more than likely you will become one of the failure statistics.

However, if you have decided that you really want to start your own business then this is the book for you. It covers all the essential points you need to know and think about before you actually go ahead. Even if you already operate your own business, it will prove invaluable in contributing to your ongoing success.

There are no secret tricks to being successful in business. Success will only come through hard work and through always offering something that the consumer wants, at the right price, in the right place, and in the right quantity.

On a final note, you must always remember that you must never lose sight of the fact that you are also in business to make money. Without ongoing profits you will eventually fail.