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The Ultimate Business Plan (Written under the pseudonym "Phil Stone")

Published by How to Books Ltd in their ESSENTIALS series
August 2000
ISBN - 1 85703 611 5        EAN - 9781857036114
Price: £5.00
2nd edition published September 2002
ISBN: 1-85703-817-7 - Price £4.99


Did you know...
Many business plans fail because they are either too simplistic, or too complicated.
Prospective funders will only usually give your business plan one chance. Once they have read it they should be sufficiently impressed to want to talk to you further.

If they are not impressed they may not want to discuss your plans with you. You must get your plan right first time if you are to succeed. This book will help you achieve that goal.

Key Points:

  • Written by an expert on appraising business plans for funding purposes who now uses his knowledge and experience to actually write successful business plans.

  • The book removes all jargon and provides insider tips and information.

  • It is easy to understand and carries the reader through a logical process to compile their research and write their own business plan.

  • Contains a complete template on the format of a business plan together with a sample business plan and details of useful contacts.