Fraud Prevention | Fraud Detection | Fraud Investigation | Anti-Fraud Policies | Anti-Fraud Workshops

Fraud Detection

The most important aspect of detection is knowing what you are actually looking for in the first place.  That's where Le Marinel Consulting can really save you money - we have extensive knowledge of the most common (and some of the most complex) types of fraud being carried out in the business today and, most importantly, how you can detect and prevent them.

Detecting fraud is a matter of acknowledging:

  • That fraud exists

  • That any organisation can become either a victim of fraud or a perpetrator of fraud

  • That certain weaknesses in internal controls and human character can be conducive to fraud

  • That certain tests of internal controls and tests of the organisation's motivational environment can provide some insight on the possibility of fraud in that environment

As a follow on to the prevention and awareness work that we undertake, we can also assist with fraud detection within your business.  We have already identified that up to 7% of business income is lost through fraud so you must accept the possibility that it is already happening to you.

As part of the prevention process, we test your systems and processes in addition to undertaking a detailed analysis of your costs and expenses for "reasonableness". In most businesses, fraud involves the inflation of expenses or the reduction of sales income which in both cases can have a dramatic effect on your bottom line profit performance.

Please contact us now for expert advice on how to handle potential fraud situations and for guidance and support on implementing an effective anti-fraud strategy.

We also offer specialised training to managers and employees on how to detect fraud in their business or organisation. For more details please see our training workshops.